Jayapriya Vidyalaya School is established by Jayapriya Group of Companies, Neyveli. It offers the curriculum and syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). JPV School will be on a first come, first serve basis and subject to criteria. School admissions for the current academic year will be done till 30th of June based on the availability of seats in each class.
School will follow these simple guidelines and procedures while admitting your child at JPV:
The Application Form shall be issued on request and on producing the credentials of the child whose admission is sought.
School requires duly filled in application form, along with the attested copy of the TC with EMIS Number, Birth Certificate, Copy of Address Proof, Copy of Aadhar Card, Copy of Passport (if applicable), should be submitted to the school office within 5 working days. From Jr.KG to standard IX– The original school leaving certificate should be submitted before commencement of classes in June. However, along with the application form, last year’s report card should also be submitted as proof of schooling.
Admissions are based on first come, first serve basis from Pre KG to Standard I and on the basis of the performance in the written test from standard II to IX.
Contact Admin Office for any clarification. Mobile: 9597082112, 7338870141
As part of the application process, parents are requested to prepare the following documents for submission to the school: